Author Archives: Charles Terrence Harper

Today’s Newsletter: Bing Ads and Q and A Webinar

The pages for the Bing Ads Bonus were set yesterday for one year in advance As such, both what I thought was a corrected link and the first link still went to a 404 page. You’re likely to have picked up the Bing Ads package already. If you haven’t, you can see our “Double Bonus” page here. The second…

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Last Day for FB Launch Pricing, Explaindio Tomorrow and Today’s Newsletter

Today is the last day that launch pricing will be available for the FB Retargeting PLR package. Since the start of the launch we’ve added two additional software packages: This comes in addition to the 10 bonuses that you see here. (If you haven’t visited the page since early this evening…your’ve probably missed seeing them)…

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Meetup.Com PLR Review and Bonus

Henry Gold is releasing the his PLR package on the 15th of May.

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