The pages for the Bing Ads Bonus were set yesterday for one year in advance As such, both what I thought was a corrected link and the first link still went to a 404 page.
You’re likely to have picked up the Bing Ads package already. If you haven’t, you can see our “Double Bonus” page here.
The second thing that went sideways yesterday was our webinar. I was in transit and unable to conduct the webinar on my mobile device.
As I result, I’ve decided to redo the Q and A webinar for tonight at 5:30 PM EST. If you have any questions that you’d like to see me cover, please let me know by hitting the reply
The Sign up link for the Q and A call is the same…The time has changed to 5:30 PM EST.
Get access here:
Tomorrow, there will be a PLR package being launched on the subject of Social Media. We’ve assembled some of our webinar content that we’ll be adding in as a bonus for those that pick up the package.
The launch begins at 9 AM EST and I PROMISE not to set the landing page to be available one year ahead. I’ll send the email at about 8:50 AM EST.
Of course, yesterday due to the landing page problem, I could see it but those that clicked on it could not. If you didn’t pick up the Bing Ads Package you can still pick it up right here:
We’ve actually added an interesting course to the back end of Zoo Plus Press which we hope to have ready for you on Friday.
The back end course is called PLR Press and it will cover how to set up your PLR Offers on Optimize Press (and then get them up for sale on either Zoo or Plus).
Here’s what you’ll be able to do with that course. Yes, of course…you’ll have a useful course to sell. That goes without saying.
What you’ll also have is a road map for easily putting any PLR package on any domain where you have Optimize Press. The back end course will give you step by step directions and the strategy.
As you know the front end course is designed to show you how to use Optimize Press on One domain for all of your offers that you place on the various affiliate platforms.
So, for example, you’ll be able to take the offer linked here, place it on Optimize Press and then launch it on several platforms at the same time or back to back (there is a specific way to do it that will make your life easier).
Here’s a typical offer that you’ll be able to use…We hope to see you at 5PM EST…..