Tuesday Newsletter – Resell Rights Software for Offline Marketers and Online Marketers, New Additions to the Coaching Program

Hi Charles

The resell rights software package released today can actually be sold to offline marketers or used if you want to do a little consulting (but don’t want to get into WordPress site bulding). Laurel and I have put together some bonuses to help you whether you want to:

1.) Sell to Online Marketers
2.) Sell To Offline Marketers
3.) Sell Your Services to Local Businesses

Take a look at our bonus page here while the earlybird pricing is still available:


Strategy Note

We’ve noticed that most of the problem in this new era where we all have to learn to sell something, but never really learned how to be comfortable with sales that there is some middle ground that most of us can do easily.

Most of us feel good about giving first and educating prospects before we ask for the sale. So, what we’ve noticed is that if you can give away good value and real education, not only does the prospect feel better, but you feel more confident about the sale.

That typically means it’s going to go better than if you just go for the “pitch”.

And it’s important to note that I’m not talking about the pitch webinar. That also has the direct marketing hard sell approach and does work and does have it’s place. That’s why part of our bonus here is A soft sell for mobile optimized website services. This will make it easier for you to make a good approach to a business.

(We’ve even passed along the how to in terms of how to get consulting clients with our other bonus).


Training Note

Today we are adding in more new content to the coaching program to help you (if you are an Insider) to go through the presell process. It takes less “art” and more “heart”.

We’ve taught most of this in our Loyalty Lock Pro video PLR course, which today we’re adding into the membership. This is the PLR course we did showing you and your customer how to create good learning experiences.

This is the key to the presell process. Not everyone is going to buy from you at the beginning of a business relationship. And you have to give them a reason to come back. The learning experience we teach in Loyalty Lock Pro PLR will help you. Since it’s an evergreen course, it’s a great addition to the Coaching Program which now has 6 of our courses.

You can still lock in a great price for the program here. Check out the most recent update:


Personal Note

Yesterday I had to cancel out of my weekly workshop here in Harrisburg due to people being busy and distracted about the holidays. However, I was charged for the room any way.

So, I think that means that I will probably do a workshop next week even if I only have a few people there. It actually gives me good feedback as to what people want to know and then what kind of training and products to create for you to sell to people like them.

But one thing I know that always comes up in these sessions is how folks can get started online quickly. And what I like about the software we created a bonus for is that it gives me two ways to make money:

1.) Sell to the consultants who don’t want to fool around with WordPress and

2.) Put up a site quickly that looks good for somebody that doesn’t have a big budget.

Since I did the tutorials for this, I know that once you understand the process you could have a decent website up in less than 30 minutes.

Get Access to Our Bonus and the software here:



PS…Tonight at 9 PM EST is our Mid Week PLR Show Training Call. Sign up for tonight’s call here:
