The new PLR product that launched yesterday can be used easily in whatever strategy you have for 2017. This subject of passive income is one that people are familiar with, but don’t know exactly how to get to it.
They’re open to the idea and have heard about Rich Dad Poor Dad, real estate or stocks as a way. But most people don’t know how to generate cash flow.
They’re skeptical of Multi-level marketing or they’ve had enough experience to know that…no, it’s not a scam, but that you need some sales skills to be superior for a long time…or at minimum to make some superior income.
So, this course is a conversation starter. It let’s your following, audience or prospects know that you have some answers and will open the door for you to discuss more.
You’ll see some bonuses on the next page that can make selling the course easier or even using it as a lead generator. You’ll probably pick up on a few things that you may not have known about internet passive income.
Take a look at our bonuses here:
Video PLR Survey Results There were seven parts of our survey for Video PLR. We want to make sure that we do a good job of putting together the kind of packages you want and need.
So, we sought your input and even though the survey is still open, we’ll share what you have said so far. In question 1, we asked:
I Use PLR To…
a.) Learn Something New
b.) Sell A Product
c.) Learn Something New and sell a product
95% said C
2.5% said A
2.5% said B
That means that you want to make sure that you’re getting more than the basics in your course and you want the product to be easy to sell.
If you haven’t yet filled out the Video PLR Survey, please do it here because it will dictate how we do our training as well as what Video PLR we create this year.
Strategy Note One of the things we have said repeatedly is that outside of your product line, in that you and I need some kind of platform where we are building a content base.
The content base is proof that we’re worth listening to. Whenever some body stumbles on us or our posts or our offers, they’re likely to ‘Google” us.
So, we’ve been repeating a mantra for about a year regardless of niche and regardless of what you sell.
1.) Product Line
2.) Platform
3.) Presence
What we haven’t done a good job of is talking about how we’re personally executing this on the local level as well as in online niches.
From our discussions with you, platform isn’t a problem and most of us understand presence on our favorite social media. Where we often come up short is having a product line.
Once you’ve entertained, enlightened and or educated an audience, it’s time for the call to action. Where do you send them?
Doing all of that work, you want to have some cases here you’re sending them to offers that you have. You want to make sure you have good topics like the one our bonus page point to:
Training Note Tomorrow night is our Private Training with Ultimate Insiders. We’ll be talking about the upcoming year as well as our launch calendar. This is important because not only do
we make ourselves available for questions on a weekly basis, we also make launch listbuilding opportunities available.
Tomorrow, we will formally announce that all but one of our Legacy PLR products are part of the Ultimate Insider Membership. If you’ve not yet signed up, you’ll definitely want to do so here.
You can see the most recent update (be ready though for tomorrow’s update…it will be killer).
Personal Note Growing up a dude on the South side of Chicago, I can’t say that I was exposed to a lot of classical music. My older sister played my whole life…but anyone who has an older
sister knows that younger brothers think they’re weird.
Fast forward now my daughter is pursuing this (classical music) as a vocation. So, she talks quite a bit about the background of these composers like Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, etc.
It’s all new to me, but yesterday she mentioned something that caught my ear.
Bach’s being this prolific composer was no accident. Part of his job for 27 years was to compose a new song every week for the church where he was employed.
Once a week!
So, when we look at this man’s ability to compose we don’t need to be surprised. He was working on songs day in and day out.
Being an information marketer is pretty much the same thing. The fact is that in order to sell information products, we need to have multiple opportunities to find the itch that our customer has.
These days, passive income is one of those concerns. When you get our bonus, you’ll have what you need to make your case to a potential buyer.
Get Your package here: